Starting March 2024, we are excited to bring you a new four-issue mini-series about our favorite Mexican kaiju, the divinely avenging megalodon known as the Black Demon!
Issue #1 is titled “Deep Blue Bottomless Soul.” Ten years after nearly dying in her attempt to destroy the Black Demon, Dr. Bella González is ready to try again. With a state-of-the-art submersible, an improved chemical weapon, and the guidance of ageless herald Mateo, she sets out for the lair of the vengeful megalodon—a cavern deep beneath the surface of the Pacific. Will she be successful this time, or will the avatar of divine wrath teach her a lesson she’ll never forget?
Writer: David Bowles
Cover Art: Loba
Illustrator: Marco Finnegan
Colors: Angelo Bowles
Lettering: Angelo Bowles
Editor: Héctor Rodríguez III